December 28, 2009

A Letter to Girls...including myself.

So, I wrote this "letter" back in November. It comes from my heart.

Hello, dearies! I have been thinking about you all and have been pondering our discussions over the past couple of weeks. I have discovered quite an interesting thing about us girls and our relationships with our guy friends. It is something that I wish I would have realized earlier, because I would have suffered a lot less disappointment.

You see, over the years, I noticed that I got along better with guys sometimes more than the girls I usually hung out with. I am sure you can relate. The thing was, though, that, as a girl, I was attracted to guys romantically, too. It’s not bad to like a guy, but sometimes those thoughts of Oh, he’s cute! or Do you think he really likes me? get in the way of my friendship. It changed how I viewed a guy and thus how I acted around him.

I’m not saying that it’s wrong to have a crush on a guy; I just think that we girls have a tendency to handle it wrongly. You see, when we like a guy romantically, we want him to like us back. We might dress nicer, hang out with him more, or even do things that he likes so that we seem more attractive to him. What’s wrong with that? Well, it’s a type of deception. We turn that friendship into something completely different than what it originally was. Not only that, but when our main aim for friendship is simply to get the guy to like us, we don’t focus on actually having fun, getting to know the guy, or just being a friendly support.

I guess, basically what I am trying to say is this: if we can only function in a relationship with a guy if he likes us romantically, then we’re probably doing something wrong.

There is such a thing as being “just friends”. It is hard, I know. But, sometimes treating a guy as a friend instead of a crush can become something so much better. We never have to go through the feeling of Oh, I guess he doesn’t like me as much as I thought he did. Living a friendship for simply the purpose of friendship typically doesn’t result in heart break. Sure we get hurt a lot, but pretty often, that hurt stems from failed expectations, which could easily have been avoided.

I think doing this is extremely hard for all of us because we want so dearly to be loved and appreciated for who we are. It makes us feel good inside. But, let’s break this habit of making friendships with guys just so that we feel loved. Instead, let’s actually just be friends, not only in our actions, but also in our hearts.

Let’s be careful with whom we share such a special part of our hearts. Let’s keep our friendships pure. It is going to be hard, but I think all of us, supporting each other, could do it.

December 18, 2009


So, typically I'm not a huge fashion freak, but two of my dear friends have a blog about fashion, and it is pretty super duper.

I already learned some pretty awesome stuff. So, yeah. To the non-existent readers of this blog: look at it!

December 1, 2009

The Hallelujah Chorus

It is super duper. So, enjoy this humorous video clip: