March 15, 2010

Purses and Handbags

Alright, so, I'm still kind of trying to figure out what the purpose of this blog is, but, I love beautiful and unique things. I guess I'll just share my findings.

The last three are from Anthropologie. Enjoy!

March 9, 2010


I have been a happy person of late, and that's a good thing. It means I'm feeling normal. Seriously, it's not too often that I am an unhappy person, but I had been the past couple of weeks. It's stupid. In addition to sadness, I have been working like crazy on this college economics course I'm taking online. It's not necessarily hard it's just consuming, and I sometimes procrastinate. (Sometimes, not always). The hardest part of the course is now over, so "Smooth sailing ahead!" thinks me.

Sunday was a fabulous day. It really was. After church, I took BunnyLady, MissAwesome, BeatlesMan, and Tea to Subway. (We usually go to there every Sunday, for the record). We picked up some subs and then headed back to the church. We sat in the parking lot for almost two hours just talking. It was pretty great, thinks me. I enjoy sitting in a good parking lot with friends.

Next we went to the guys' production of Grease. It was pretty good. I don't like the whole Grease musical very much, though, so, I mean, the pretty goodness was because of the excellence that made this production unique. I was pretty happy, though, to be with my friends. In the end, it was good.

Also, another form of happiness is the warming up weather. It was in the 50s yesterday. Yeah, it's still not warm, but-man!-am I ready for spring!

OH! Also, I'm playing Clair de Lune by Debussy on the piano. It's crazy. Really it is. 9/8 time should be illegal, I think. Oh well, I'm getting it. It sounds awesome. So, yeah. That's good.