December 28, 2009

A Letter to Girls...including myself.

So, I wrote this "letter" back in November. It comes from my heart.

Hello, dearies! I have been thinking about you all and have been pondering our discussions over the past couple of weeks. I have discovered quite an interesting thing about us girls and our relationships with our guy friends. It is something that I wish I would have realized earlier, because I would have suffered a lot less disappointment.

You see, over the years, I noticed that I got along better with guys sometimes more than the girls I usually hung out with. I am sure you can relate. The thing was, though, that, as a girl, I was attracted to guys romantically, too. It’s not bad to like a guy, but sometimes those thoughts of Oh, he’s cute! or Do you think he really likes me? get in the way of my friendship. It changed how I viewed a guy and thus how I acted around him.

I’m not saying that it’s wrong to have a crush on a guy; I just think that we girls have a tendency to handle it wrongly. You see, when we like a guy romantically, we want him to like us back. We might dress nicer, hang out with him more, or even do things that he likes so that we seem more attractive to him. What’s wrong with that? Well, it’s a type of deception. We turn that friendship into something completely different than what it originally was. Not only that, but when our main aim for friendship is simply to get the guy to like us, we don’t focus on actually having fun, getting to know the guy, or just being a friendly support.

I guess, basically what I am trying to say is this: if we can only function in a relationship with a guy if he likes us romantically, then we’re probably doing something wrong.

There is such a thing as being “just friends”. It is hard, I know. But, sometimes treating a guy as a friend instead of a crush can become something so much better. We never have to go through the feeling of Oh, I guess he doesn’t like me as much as I thought he did. Living a friendship for simply the purpose of friendship typically doesn’t result in heart break. Sure we get hurt a lot, but pretty often, that hurt stems from failed expectations, which could easily have been avoided.

I think doing this is extremely hard for all of us because we want so dearly to be loved and appreciated for who we are. It makes us feel good inside. But, let’s break this habit of making friendships with guys just so that we feel loved. Instead, let’s actually just be friends, not only in our actions, but also in our hearts.

Let’s be careful with whom we share such a special part of our hearts. Let’s keep our friendships pure. It is going to be hard, but I think all of us, supporting each other, could do it.

December 18, 2009


So, typically I'm not a huge fashion freak, but two of my dear friends have a blog about fashion, and it is pretty super duper.

I already learned some pretty awesome stuff. So, yeah. To the non-existent readers of this blog: look at it!

December 1, 2009

The Hallelujah Chorus

It is super duper. So, enjoy this humorous video clip:

November 30, 2009

Happiness Broke My Heart

Those are the lyrics to a song. I'm not really sure how they apply to anything, but they're spiffy anyway.

I just realized something about myself: I am typically a happy person. It's not too often that I actually find myself sad or depressed, which is rare in teenage girfs (yes, intentional misspelling). The only time I'm really sad is if I'm jealous or feel worthless, both of which are ridiculous things to actually feel since, well, jealousy is plain stupid, and worthlessness is a preposterous thing to think. So, basically, if I want to remain happy, I just have to not be jealous and keep myself busy so that I don't feel worthless. Hah. Easier said then done, eh?

And now for something super.

I got to hang out with Scuba and BeatlesMan, tonight. It was fun, but got a little weird when this random dude came over and joined us. He was a lot nicer than your average random person. It was kind of awkward because none of us really knew him at all, but I guess it all worked out okay. He ended up just talking to Scuba the whole time, and BeatlesMan and I just tore up a paper plate. That was about it. I guess it wasn't really super at all. It was kind of lame, actually, but that happens.

November 29, 2009


Do you know what is super duper? Cousins. They are, especially if they are actually fun to be around. Yeah. I have some wonderful cousins. The other day we had a tea party. Now, typically, this is something a group of girls would come up with, but NO. My cousin, who is a guy, had the bright idea that we should have a tea party, and it wasn't your typical tea and crumpets. (Not that we didn't want crumpets. As a matter of fact, we shall have crumpets next time).

You see, being as creative as we are, we three cousins had to add something to our tiny midnight tea. So, we did: costumes, fake wine, plastic weapons, Go Fish. It was a blast. And we filmed it. We called it "The Shady Tea Drinkers Anonymous Club". Yep. So, you see, if you have cousins who do such random things as this, you should really appreciate them. It takes great minds to come up with such silliness.

So, yes. Cousins. I've been spending a lot of time with them. Not just because they're awesome, but also because they're from Alaska, and when cousins are from Alaska, well, no matter where on the continental US you live, you are VERY far away from said cousins. Therefore, I must see them when they are here. They're here, so I must see them. Yeah, circular reasoning, but don't get all logical on me.

In addition to cousins, there are other things that are super.'s a list:

The smell of Christmas trees.
Super Heroes...

...Super heroes ARE super. They must make the list.

Shakespeare...especially Hamlet...SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF DENMARK!
People who can spell Antidisestablishmentarianism. Like me. :-)

Peanut Butter.
Awkward silences.

You know, Jesus. I guess He should have been at the top of the list, but, you know, He'll get the biggest comment and some extra spaces for emphasis.

CakeWrecks. Yes, check it out:
Cake decorating...not the actual cake, just the pretty stuff.
Blank pieces of paper.
Unblank pieces of paper.
The sound of moving water.
The Amish. Hahahaha. I'm kidding.


Yeah. So, whenever I have nothing to write about, I'll just type random things that are super. Deal? Yeah. To the people who don't exist...because I don't think anybody reads this anyway...

November 23, 2009


So, seeing as I have this blog, I should probably post something on it. I had to think of something super duper to post about and, well, I thought of umbrellas. I mean seriously. Who doesn't love umbrellas? So, just to celebrate the amazingness of umbrellas, I thought I'd give you some special pictures...just because I really don't have anything else to post, and pictures are worth a thousand words, right? Right. for a real post.

Yesterday was fabulous. It was the end of our "Do Hard Things" DVD Conference. If you don't know about this Do Hard Things conference, you should check it out. It really is good for everybody, well, except maybe jihadists. It's about not just going the easy way but being excellent: 100%. So check it out: It is super duper.

After the conference, which was planned by me and five of my very favorite friends, we went over to the BeatlesMan's house. It was a bunch of fun. For the first hour we played Beatles RockBand and then I sat down at the piano and played Beatles music while Miss Awesome, BeatlesMan, and CommandTheOlder sang. It made me so very, very happy. I love singing, and when people sing with me it makes it rather super.

Ahah, so I should probably explain this wonderful Committee to Take Over the World. You see, we all go to the same church and have known each other since forever, but we were never really close,(well, except Scuba and I). But in September our youth group took a trip to DC for the Rebelution/Do Hard Things Conference. We all ended up having a blast and getting to know each other, and we soon realized that we had something we could all work towards together. The beginning of planning the DVD Conference began. Yes.

So, anyway, the committee is made up of me, Scuba, Miss Awesome, CommandTheOlder, CommandTheYounger, and BeatlesMan. (The guys are gonna kill me for giving them such names, just saying). We are all pretty weird and different, but we somehow have a bunch of fun.

And my day was amazing for another reason, too. Yeah, I twisted my ankle or something, but I had a blast dancing with my FellowYellow. She's the best, you see. She likes to dance and sing and be crazy...but she also has a brain which makes her better than your typical pre-teen girl.

Anyways, so yes, that's that. I guess it's not really an amazing post, but it's about super duper things (umbrellas) and super duper people, so it works.

November 16, 2009

A Meager Despise...or not. Whatever.

So, hello! This is the beginning of a blog. Yep, the very first post. Actually, I have no idea what to write, but that's okay, because this blog is for when I do have something to write, and when I don't, well, I won't post a series of unnecessariness unless I just need to say something just for the randomness of it all. Yep.

Okay, so, I guess...I'll let this be the beginning. All things start out small, right?