November 29, 2009


Do you know what is super duper? Cousins. They are, especially if they are actually fun to be around. Yeah. I have some wonderful cousins. The other day we had a tea party. Now, typically, this is something a group of girls would come up with, but NO. My cousin, who is a guy, had the bright idea that we should have a tea party, and it wasn't your typical tea and crumpets. (Not that we didn't want crumpets. As a matter of fact, we shall have crumpets next time).

You see, being as creative as we are, we three cousins had to add something to our tiny midnight tea. So, we did: costumes, fake wine, plastic weapons, Go Fish. It was a blast. And we filmed it. We called it "The Shady Tea Drinkers Anonymous Club". Yep. So, you see, if you have cousins who do such random things as this, you should really appreciate them. It takes great minds to come up with such silliness.

So, yes. Cousins. I've been spending a lot of time with them. Not just because they're awesome, but also because they're from Alaska, and when cousins are from Alaska, well, no matter where on the continental US you live, you are VERY far away from said cousins. Therefore, I must see them when they are here. They're here, so I must see them. Yeah, circular reasoning, but don't get all logical on me.

In addition to cousins, there are other things that are super.'s a list:

The smell of Christmas trees.
Super Heroes...

...Super heroes ARE super. They must make the list.

Shakespeare...especially Hamlet...SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF DENMARK!
People who can spell Antidisestablishmentarianism. Like me. :-)

Peanut Butter.
Awkward silences.

You know, Jesus. I guess He should have been at the top of the list, but, you know, He'll get the biggest comment and some extra spaces for emphasis.

CakeWrecks. Yes, check it out:
Cake decorating...not the actual cake, just the pretty stuff.
Blank pieces of paper.
Unblank pieces of paper.
The sound of moving water.
The Amish. Hahahaha. I'm kidding.


Yeah. So, whenever I have nothing to write about, I'll just type random things that are super. Deal? Yeah. To the people who don't exist...because I don't think anybody reads this anyway...

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