November 23, 2009


So, seeing as I have this blog, I should probably post something on it. I had to think of something super duper to post about and, well, I thought of umbrellas. I mean seriously. Who doesn't love umbrellas? So, just to celebrate the amazingness of umbrellas, I thought I'd give you some special pictures...just because I really don't have anything else to post, and pictures are worth a thousand words, right? Right. for a real post.

Yesterday was fabulous. It was the end of our "Do Hard Things" DVD Conference. If you don't know about this Do Hard Things conference, you should check it out. It really is good for everybody, well, except maybe jihadists. It's about not just going the easy way but being excellent: 100%. So check it out: It is super duper.

After the conference, which was planned by me and five of my very favorite friends, we went over to the BeatlesMan's house. It was a bunch of fun. For the first hour we played Beatles RockBand and then I sat down at the piano and played Beatles music while Miss Awesome, BeatlesMan, and CommandTheOlder sang. It made me so very, very happy. I love singing, and when people sing with me it makes it rather super.

Ahah, so I should probably explain this wonderful Committee to Take Over the World. You see, we all go to the same church and have known each other since forever, but we were never really close,(well, except Scuba and I). But in September our youth group took a trip to DC for the Rebelution/Do Hard Things Conference. We all ended up having a blast and getting to know each other, and we soon realized that we had something we could all work towards together. The beginning of planning the DVD Conference began. Yes.

So, anyway, the committee is made up of me, Scuba, Miss Awesome, CommandTheOlder, CommandTheYounger, and BeatlesMan. (The guys are gonna kill me for giving them such names, just saying). We are all pretty weird and different, but we somehow have a bunch of fun.

And my day was amazing for another reason, too. Yeah, I twisted my ankle or something, but I had a blast dancing with my FellowYellow. She's the best, you see. She likes to dance and sing and be crazy...but she also has a brain which makes her better than your typical pre-teen girl.

Anyways, so yes, that's that. I guess it's not really an amazing post, but it's about super duper things (umbrellas) and super duper people, so it works.

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