November 30, 2009

Happiness Broke My Heart

Those are the lyrics to a song. I'm not really sure how they apply to anything, but they're spiffy anyway.

I just realized something about myself: I am typically a happy person. It's not too often that I actually find myself sad or depressed, which is rare in teenage girfs (yes, intentional misspelling). The only time I'm really sad is if I'm jealous or feel worthless, both of which are ridiculous things to actually feel since, well, jealousy is plain stupid, and worthlessness is a preposterous thing to think. So, basically, if I want to remain happy, I just have to not be jealous and keep myself busy so that I don't feel worthless. Hah. Easier said then done, eh?

And now for something super.

I got to hang out with Scuba and BeatlesMan, tonight. It was fun, but got a little weird when this random dude came over and joined us. He was a lot nicer than your average random person. It was kind of awkward because none of us really knew him at all, but I guess it all worked out okay. He ended up just talking to Scuba the whole time, and BeatlesMan and I just tore up a paper plate. That was about it. I guess it wasn't really super at all. It was kind of lame, actually, but that happens.

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